The Guide to Getting Unusual Permits
The Guide to Getting Unusual Permits
We made the Permit Book, now we've compiled our Guide to Getting Unusual Permits. This one has the details on 28 countries (listed below) that have a special process for Ferry Flights and other Special Permits.
Once again, you'll find Civil Aviation Authority contact details, Agent details (when necessary), and our descriptions of the best practice for each permit.
Along with the guide, we've included an additional folder of country specific permit forms.
I'm operating on Special Airworthiness? Who do I contact?
Special Airworthiness always create headaches, we aim to fix that. We've included details (and contact information, and forms when needed) to help get your Special Airworthiness permits sorted easily and painlessly (mostly). We've changed the format a bit, we want you to know how long it'll take, and at what cost.
What Countries are covered?
What's Included?
With the purchase, you'll get a neat .zip file with:
An introduction to special airworthiness permits: What they're for, when you need them, basic requirements, and others.
A breakdown of permit requirements by country. Each page includes permit requirements, a description of what you should do, and who to contact. If we think an agent is required, we've listed as well. This time around--we've added costs and timeframes.
Some countries have special forms, so those are included as well.
We've got your forms here.
If the CAA wants them, they're here.
To order, just click the Add to Cart button above. Your link will appear immediately and download is instant.